by thaabit | Apr 24, 2019 | news
Upon receipt of legal advice that BECS was obliged to do so, and with the approval and support of the BECS Board and its Members, BECS has been seeking membership of ERA. This would enable BECS to collect licence fees and pay out to members of BECS and to performers...
by thaabit | Mar 27, 2019 | news
It will now be down to member states to approve Parliament’s decision in the coming weeks. If the member states accept the text adopted by the European Parliament, it will take effect after publication in the official journal and then member states will have 2 years...
by thaabit | Mar 11, 2019 | news
Following the transfer of work to Equity, BECS has received numerous complaints from members who were unhappy with the transfer of work and with the redefinition of what were previously non-contractual monies to contractual resulting in these monies being paid to...
by thaabit | Sep 13, 2018 | news
BECS is a member of both Aepo-Artis and the British Copyright Council. Please see the documents below for more information. CD_Vote_12 Sept 2018 FAIR INTERNET coalition statement following plenary vote on Copyright Directive
by thaabit | Sep 3, 2018 | news
The BECS Supervisory Committee, which represents the interests of BECS Members and oversees the Board of Management, at its meeting held on 16th July 2018, agreed updated wording for a new registration form and Membership Agreement in order to more efficiently and...
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