What does BECS do?
The British Equity Collecting Society (BECS) was established in 1998 as a not-for-profit organisation run by performers for performers. It is the only collective management organisation (CMO) in the UK to enforce Performers’ Audio-Visual rights in the UK and to collect revenue from the compulsory collective administration of statutory rights in other countries.
Performers in many countries are compensated for the use of their audiovisual work via a system of legal rights. These rights entitle them to remuneration when their work is copied for private use, retransmitted on cable channels or publicly broadcast. BECS negotiates agreements with the CMOs in the respective countries for a share of the revenue generated in this way for our members.
BECS has a network of international agreements in place with CMOs in Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland; and more recently in Chile, Colombia and Peru.
We aim to continually increase our affiliated societies and bilateral agreements wherever possible to collect more for our members throughout the globe.
We carry out our major distribution of revenue towards the middle of the year with a smaller one taking place towards the end of the year.
The video below created by AEPO Artis explains the different types of rights available to you and how CMOs like BECS can help.

Meet The Team
Who we work with
BECS actively works with the following organisations to protect and enhance the interests of audiovisual performers

AEPO ARTIS is a non-profit organisation representing 36 European CMO’s from 26 Countries. Their aim is to develop, strengthen and protect performers’ rights and to highlight the contribution performers make to European Culture.
British Copyright Council
The British Copyright Council is a not-for-profit organisation that provides a forum where copyright law and related issues at UK, European and International levels. Their aim is to provide an effective, authoritative and representative voice for the copyright community

The International Federation of Actors (FIA) is affiliated with more than 90 organisations globally. Their aim is to promote solidarity among all member organisations fostering the exchange of resources and expertise between all affiliates. It works primarily to improve working conditions and advance economic and social rights of performers; and also campaigns for the value of the cultural and creative sector.
Fundación AISGE
This is a not-for-profit organisation set up by the Spanish CMO, AISGE, to develop programs to assist and promote the wellbeing of audiovisual performers.

Safety Curtain
Safety Curtain is a charity helping performers who live in poverty around the world. So far, they have helped performers in over 20 countries.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is the official UK government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights including patents, designs, trademarks and copyright.

The Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights (SCAPR) is an organisation representing 59 CMOs from around the world. They operate as an international platform for the development of practical cooperation and collaborative working between member CMO’s. Their aim is to improve how rights are managed.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. It is a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 192 member states.

BECS Ambassadors

Miriam Margolyes OBE
I was thrilled to become an ambassador for BECS because I trust BECS to watch over my payments and those of the entire membership. Our hard-earned money is safe with BECS and their efforts on our behalf are unstinting.
Lord Michael Cashman
I am delighted to be an ambassador for BECS. This is an extremely important organisation which is not only a vital collecting society that ensures we receive payment for the use of our work but also for its wider representation in our community; working to improve performers’ rights and ensure a fair return for them. I encourage others to join BECS and help us to achieve even more!

Neil Dudgeon
“I am very happy to be an ambassador for BECS. Not only are they a regulated, not-for-profit organisation doing great work to protect and improve performers rights in the UK and abroad, but they also send you money that can only be collected by a Collecting Society for members. It costs you nothing to join and THEY WILL SEND YOU MONEY! Join.”
Sanjeev Bhaskar OBE
“I’m honoured to be an ambassador for BECS, the unsung collecting society heroes. They collect statutory payments due to their members from many overseas territories for performers in the audio-visual industry. Membership is absolutely free, no subs, no fees, so it makes total sense to sign up. I’d urge everyone to join. I look forward to working with BECS and my fellow ambassadors on the various upcoming campaigns.”


Do I have to pay to join BECS?
No. There are no upfront costs or membership fees payable. The Board of BECS and the Supervisory Committee determine the administration fees charged by BECS to cover BECS’ administration costs. These are deducted from the monies collected for distribution.
Why have I not received the BBC payment I used to get from BECS?
Up until February 2017, BECS used to administer distributions on behalf of Equity. From that point onward, the Union are dealing with these payments directly. If you used to receive payments from us for any of the below, you can expect to receive these directly from Equity:
– BBC Cable and Satellite re-transmission (BBC SCR)
– ITV Cable and Satellite re-transmission (ITV SCR)
– BBC Radio 4 Extra
– Film and Cast Album royalties
– New Media Payments (BBC, ITV, C4, BSKYB)
The above payments were made to performers regardless of their membership with BECS. As we now only deal with statutory Performers’ Rights payments, you will only receive payments from us if you are registered as a member.
I received money from BECS. Why does this come from BECS and not via my agent as usual?
We collect payments for our members’ productions shown overseas which are outside the terms of your original contract. These payments are statutory in nature and therefore eligible to be sent directly to the performer if you have instructed us to do so.
– BBC Cable and Satellite re-transmission (BBC SCR)
– ITV Cable and Satellite re-transmission (ITV SCR)
– BBC Radio 4 Extra
– Film and Cast Album royalties
– New Media Payments (BBC, ITV, C4, BSKYB)
The above payments were made to performers regardless of their membership with BECS. As we now only deal with statutory Performers’ Rights payments, you will only receive payments from us if you are registered as a member.
How often does BECS send out payments?
BECS has one main distribution which takes place around the middle of the year. Sometimes we receive some payments a little later than usual which enables us to do a second distribution towards the end of the year.
What is the difference between BECS and PPL?
PPL deals with sound recordings while BECS deals with film and television broadcasts. If you have ever performed on a record or CD that is played in the UK or overseas, you should register with PPL. Likewise, if you have ever appeared in a TV or film production that could be shown on mainstream European television channels, you should register with BECS. You can join BECS and PPL if you have performed on both sound and audio-visual recordings.
I’ve received a payment for £125 but class 1 NI was not deducted. Why?
BECS does not make Class 1 NI deductions as the payments we make are not related to a salary.
I am a member of Equity. Do I automatically become a member of BECS?
No. The two organisations are distinct and separate. You will need to apply directly to join as a member of BECS. Conversely, you do not need to be a member of Equity to become a member of BECS.
How did you know I was owed money?
We negotiate with other collecting societies to secure a share of their income for our members’ work broadcast in their countries. Most collecting societies send a list of programmes that were broadcast in their respective countries. We sift through these lists to identify works that our members have worked in. We also work through new productions to obtain cast information for each title and enter this onto our database. We often consult production companies or refer to DVDs to ensure payments reach all those who appear on the credits.
Does BECS charge a commission?
BECS does not operate a commission structure on Performers’ Rights payments. However, as authorised by our members, BECS deducts up to 10% of monies collected from affiliated Collecting Societies in order to cover the costs of management and administration. This deduction is made on gross receipts prior to monies being allocated out to our 30,000+ members.
The total deductions are fully disclosed and reported annually to our membership in the Transparency Report and at the AGM.
Can I join more than one Collecting Society?
The simple answer is yes as long as your mandate to each society is limited to either different rights or different regions. If you are a British performer, resident in the UK with much of your work in English productions, then you would be better off with BECS collecting for you with a worldwide mandate (as do the vast majority of our members) as you will benefit from better exchange rates achieved on bulk collections. Payments will be made directly into your bank account by BACS so you do not incur hefty wire transfer fees that you would otherwise be charged should you be receiving monies from outside the UK.
I now live abroad. Can you still collect for me? Can you pay into my overseas account?
Yes. Membership is not exclusive to British residents. We have several hundred members who live overseas. We wire their payments in the currency of their choice to the bank of their choice. To make wire transfers more economical, we have a minimum threshold of £50 for these.
You sent me money for work done a few years ago when I was with an old agent. Do I have to pay the agency commission on it?
If BECS sends a payment to you directly it is normally from a non-contractual source of revenue. Payment of commission on this to an old or current agent will be determined by your contract/relationship with that agent.
Do I have to declare my payment if I am receiving benefits?
Yes. We believe that BECS income is treated as a subsection of self-employed income. Therefore, someone in receipt of benefits may suffer a loss of those benefits as a result of receiving a payment from BECS.
We Have Moved Office…
We have moved office and are settling into our new home. Our new address is 2nd Floor, 22 Tudor Street, London, EC4Y 0AY. All other contact details remain the same.
Smart Fund Roundtable
Yesterday BECS – along with our Smart Fund partners ALCS, DACS, Directors UK and PICSEL – attended a Labour roundtable organised by Gareth Snell MP (Stoke-on-Trent) and Lord Bassam convened to discuss the pressing challenges facing all creators. The meeting...
Join us at our 2024 AGM
We are pleased to advise that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 3rd December 2024. For those that cannot join us, we request you complete a proxy form and return this to us by 10am Thursday 21st November 2024. A proxy form will be sent to...
Actors’ Earnings Survey 2024
The Actors’ Earnings report that has been released today highlights the real struggles our members face and how the landscape has worsened significantly. It shows how our members often earn less than minimum wage meaning they have to subsidise their income with...
BECS Welcomes the CMS Committee’s Creator Remuneration Report
The Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) Committee report, for which BECS gave evidence, highlights the precarity facing performers and other creatives and calls for measures to improve copyright protection, pay and conditions. In September, along with written evidence...
Performers’ Earnings Survey
Today we have launched our survey into performers' earnings. The survey aims to accurately reflect & directly support the lives of audiovisual performers. All BECS performer members will receive an email asking you to complete the survey. Your response will help...
We Are Hiring…
We are looking for a Rights Management and Membership Associate to join our team. If you would like to apply please send your CV and a Covering Letter explaining why you are suitable for this role to sarah@becs.org.uk. Closing date for applications will be 11th...
Christmas Closing
The BECS Offices will be closed from December 22nd 2023 and will open again on January 2nd 2024. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at BECS
BECS Board Director Elections
We are holding our Board Elections this year. We have five vacancies and seven nominations. Please take a moment to look through the statements and cast your vote for who you would like on the Board. Remember, the board members help shape the future of BECS! Votes...
Join Us at our 2023 AGM
We are pleased to advise that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 7th December 2023. For those that cannot join us, we request you to complete a proxy form and return this to us by 10am Monday 27th November 2023. A proxy form will be sent...
Tax Residency Emails
We have emailed some members to confirm your tax residency to ensure you are charged the correct rate of tax on collections BECS makes on your behalf from abroad. If your tax residency is the same as the country listed in your email you don't need to do anything. If...
BECS seeks nominations for Elected Directors from the membership
We are seeking nominations from BECS members for directors to serve on the Board of Management of BECS. There will be five vacancies relevant to the election under the Articles of Association. By becoming a board member you will be helping shape the future of BECS!...
AGM 2022 Pictures
We hope everyone who attended the AGM found it informative and enjoyed themselves at the drinks reception after. The pictures we had taken on the day have come back and we've added a selection to our website for you all to see. Click here to see if you can spot...
Training Courses
Happy New Year! Hope everyone is feeling rested and ready for the year ahead. We're kicking off the New Year with some Voice Over Workshops with Katie and Ruth from Reel Voices London so if you're looking to learn more about Voice Over work or want to improve your...
Christmas Closing
The BECS Offices will be closed from December 23rd and will open again on January 3rd 2023. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at BECS.
Join Us at our 2022 AGM
We are pleased to advise that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 8th December 2022. More information will follow but we are asking all members that wish to join us online to RSVP by 10am on Monday 28th November 2022. Our RSVP form can be...
Are We Holding Money for You?
We currently have payments for some performers we haven't been able to get in contact with. If these payments are not claimed by the end of March 2023, according to BECS statutes they will be classed as undistributed funds and will be treated as per the policy...
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and would like to convey our deepest sympathy to the Royal Family at this time. Throughout her reign The Queen became an icon and inspired so many across the World. Thank You for a lifetime of...
New Member of Staff
We are excited to welcome our new Finance and Operations Assistant, Lisa Almond. Lisa is here to help with Finance and day to day enquiries.
Do We Have the Correct Payment Details for You?
We're in the final stages of our distribution and are aiming to send payments in early July. If you have changed your payment details since we last sent you a payment please email us at info@becs.org.uk asap to update the details we have for you
Christmas Closing
The BECS Offices will be closed from December 24th and will open again on January 4th 2022. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at BECS.
Know Your Rights Seminar
Do you know what intellectual property rights you have in your performances? Are you confused about your income or what is due to you? Do you often wonder how and why BECS is able to collect money for you? Do you understand the difference between the money you get...
Join us Online at our 2021 AGM
We are pleased to advise that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 2nd December 2021. As Covid-19 is still a concern, we have decided to keep everyone safe and will be holding this year’s AGM online. More information will follow but we are...
The Smart Fund
You may have seen in the news many UK performers are supporting The Smart Fund. For more information about The Smart Fund please see our Campaigns page. Many of our members are getting behind this great campaign to ensure creatives are recompensed for their work...
Fair Remuneration
Performers and audiovisual authors have called on Member States to entrust Collective Management Organisations, like BECS, manage their royalties. See the video below for more more information. [video width="426" height="240"...
Call to Form a Creators Council – Letter to the Secretary of State
We are proud to have signed this letter calling on the Secretary of State to form a Creators Council. This is to ensure the government hears our views on how their policies can help creators. This is now more relevant than ever. To read the letter please click on...
The DCMS has published BECS’ response to the Inquiry into the Economics of Music Streaming
The DCMS Committee published our response to their enquiry on January 21st. BECS is highlighting that streaming impacts audio-visual performances in the same way as music and sound recordings To read this please see the link below....
BECS Publishes 2019/2020 Annual Review
It's been a busy year here at BECS, with our collections up by 36% on previous year. See further details here..
Join us Online at our 2020 AGM
We are pleased to advise that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 4th December 2020. As Covid-19 is still a concern, we are following government guidelines to keep everyone safe and will thus be holding this year's AGM online. More...
Get Your Voice Heard…
Did you know that most performers worldwide receive no revenue from streaming services? We are asking you, our members, to complete the following survey to help us gain an understanding of what you know about Performers Rights and Collective Management Organisations....
BECS seeks nominations for Elected Directors from the membership
British Equity Collecting Society Ltd (BECS) is seeking nominations from BECS members for Directors to serve on the BECS Board from 4th December 2020 until the 2023 Annual General Meeting. There will be five vacancies relevant to the election under the current...
Help Us Make Your Voices Heard – Beijing Treaty
As audio-visual performers, BECS members have long suffered a discriminatory position in terms of performers’ rights in comparison to rights enjoyed by musicians and other sound recording artists. BECS has been campaigning hard to rectify this. We now finally have a...
Joint Submission to DCMS Select Committee
Here at BECS we've been busy working with other creative organisations during lockdown to help protect performers during this time. The Covid-19 pandemic has shut down Theatres, Film and TV sets leaving performers with no way to work and struggling to support...
Supporting Cultural and Creative Sectors during Covid-19
A petition has been started to help support those in the Cultural and Creative sectors during this difficult situation. Many of us are aware of the damage being caused to the industry at the moment and want to ensure those affected are supported. During times like...
Covid-19 Update
In line with the advice from the British Government, BECS staff will be working remotely from 17th March until further notice. This decision has been made to safeguard our staff whilst ensuring we can deliver a seamless service to our members and colleagues. We look...
We Are Hiring…
We are looking for a new in-house Legal Counsel. If you'd like to apply please send your Motivation Letter and CV to tnasser@becs.org.uk by 28 February 2020. Job Advert Job Description
Language Courses for 2020
Happy New Year! We've been working hard and have secured another round of courses starting later this month in five different languages! Spanish French Italian German Mandarin These are 8 week courses priced at £72 (inclusive of VAT) per course. It is expected that by...
Vacancy at the BCC
An opportunity to be on the BCC board has become available. For more information please see the link below. 2019 BCC Executive Administrator
Please Join Us at our AGM on 6th December 2019
We are pleased to advise that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 6th December 2019. Event: BECS AGM 2019 Date: Friday 6th December 2019 Time: 1.30pm Place: etc.venues Conference Centre, 51-53 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8HN Notice of AGM For...
The AISGE Foundation and BECS offer a three-day workshop in London with Dugald Bruce-Lockhart
We have another exciting course lined up this month as part of our collaboration with AISGE for Spanish performers who want to get to grips with working on English productions. It will take place between November 27 and 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00...
Update on BECS’ application for membership of The Educational Recording Agency (ERA)
Upon receipt of legal advice that BECS was obliged to do so, and with the approval and support of the BECS Board and its Members, BECS has been seeking membership of ERA. This would enable BECS to collect licence fees and pay out to members of BECS and to performers...
Positive News As The European Parliament Approves New Copyright Rules for The Internet
It will now be down to member states to approve Parliament’s decision in the coming weeks. If the member states accept the text adopted by the European Parliament, it will take effect after publication in the official journal and then member states will have 2 years...
Statement from BECS’ Supervisory Committee regarding the recent press coverage referred to in the Annual Transparency Report.
Following the transfer of work to Equity, BECS has received numerous complaints from members who were unhappy with the transfer of work and with the redefinition of what were previously non-contractual monies to contractual resulting in these monies being paid to...
An Update on Copyright
BECS is a member of both Aepo-Artis and the British Copyright Council. Please see the documents below for more information. CD_Vote_12 Sept 2018 FAIR INTERNET coalition statement following plenary vote on Copyright Directive
New Performers Registration Form and Membership Agreement
The BECS Supervisory Committee, which represents the interests of BECS Members and oversees the Board of Management, at its meeting held on 16th July 2018, agreed updated wording for a new registration form and Membership Agreement in order to more efficiently and...
Latest Information about Copyright
Following the vote in the European Parliament on Thursday 5th July 2018 to delay approval of their Legal Affairs Committee’s report on the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive, please find statements from both the Fair Internet Campaign and the British...
Training Opportunites
We now offer courses at discounted rates to BECS members. Spanish lessons have already started and we’re gathering interest for our next one… Mind Fitness! This course will run over two weeks on June 6th and June 13th. For more information please contact us on...
Christmas Closing
The BECS Offices will be closed from December 23rd and will open on January 3rd 2018. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at BECS.
Date and Venue for 2017 AGM Announced…
We are pleased to announce that this year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 15th December 2017. Full details about the date, time and venue are shown below: Event: BECS AGM 2017 Date: Friday 15th December 2017 Time: 1.30pm Place: NFT3...
BECS seeks nominations for Elected Directors from the membership
British Equity Collecting Society Ltd (BECS) is seeking nominations from BECS members for Directors to serve on the BECS Board from 15th December 2017 until the 2020 Annual General Meeting. There will be three vacancies relevant to the election under the current...
We have Moved Office…
We have moved office and are settling into our new home. Here’s our new contact details 1st Floor Plouviez House 19-20 Hatton Place London EC1N 8RU info@becs.org.uk 020 3946 7800
Changes to BECS Payments
As you may be aware, Equity will be sending their own payments in future. This includes Equity Film payments, Cast Album payments, Channel 4, Sky, BBC VOD, ITV Player, and BBC and ITV Cable Re-transmission. BECS will continue to collect Performers’ Rights payments...